EP-002 : Interdependence

TRANSCRIPT:  Kim In this episode, we’ll be talking about how interdependence relates to justice.  Philipos I will start today’s justice conversation with a question – Is justice served among interdependent, dependent, or independent parties? It is self-evident to not make a dependent person, for example, children, accountable or responsible to certain aspects of the rule of law due to their lack of agency which results from their young age.  Independence is based on the idea that you do have agency: in other words, the ability to make your own decisions and take your own actions. So, from this perspective, consequences should be borne because you have that agency. But I question what it means to be independent, and I have difficulty seeing it in reality. When I look at what is happening in ordinary life, I witness interdependence more than independence. Kim What is it that you see in reality that… Continue reading

What Is Justice Conversation?

TRANSCRIPT:  Kim Welcome to Justice Conversation. This podcast series brings together people who discuss holistic justice from different perspectives.  PhiliposHi, my name is Philipos Hailemichael, and I am a resident of the Bay Area in California. My mother tongue language is Tigrinya. Most of the perspective I share on this project will come from the Tigrinya culture and norms where I grew up, For our listeners information – Tigrinya (ትግርኛ) is of the Afroasiatic language family. It is commonly spoken in Eritrea and in northern Ethiopia’s Tigray Region. KimI’m Kim, and I’m from the United States. I started the Justice Conversation website to contribute to a shift in cultural understanding from punitive to relationship-centered justice.  PhiliposWe welcome others to join and share in our conversation.  KimFor our first topic, we would like to answer the question, What is Justice Conversation? Philipos, what does that mean for you?  PhiliposFor me, I want… Continue reading

THE GEORGIA JUSTICE PROJECT — Family Restoration after Prison

Timothy with his children

by Ross Brockway of the Georgia Justice Project. Artwork by Kim Vanderheiden. Reprinted from The Conscious Lawyer magazine’s special feature of the work by members of PISLAP (Project for Integrating Spirituality, Law and Politics.) If you feel moved by this story, please support the work of the Georgia Justice Project and PISLAP, and sign up to receive The Conscious Lawyer where you’ll find many more articles inspiring and informing us to practice law with awareness and intention. Continue reading

Meeting Eyes

This may sound simplistic, but I try to make a conscious practice of meeting strangers’ eyes as I pass them on the street or in a hall or store or other public places. I spend most of my time in an urban area, where people are passing by each other all day and most are strangers to each other. I try to keep an openness and receptivity in my own face and eyes. If someone meets my eyes in return, I acknowledge them in some way that seems appropriate to their manner or the situation, a small smile, a nod, or sometimes just the direct and open gaze from one person to the other. Sometimes I’ve passed someone and looked and it’s seemed they’ve been crying recently. Sometimes I can see that someone is very tired. I say a silent prayer for someone who seems to be in difficulty. Many… Continue reading

Book Review: ‘The Desire for Mutual Recognition – Social Movements and the Dissolution of the False Self’ – Peter Gabel

Image showing book cover

Contributed by Elaine Quinn, editor of The Conscious Lawyer This review first appeared in the online magazine, The Conscious Lawyer, vol IV, October 2018. You can purchase this book through Routledge Taylor & Francis Group or through your favorite bookseller. “…our original longing from birth [is] to be seen by the other in a way that fully recognizes our humanity and our longing to simultaneously affirm our recognition of the other in the same way.” (Chapter 3, page 58) Before reading any further, take a moment to sit and look at the striking portrait below. This unusual and powerful invitation is one made to the reader in the first chapter of the book. It is an invitation that perhaps experientially captures the essence of what the author wants to convey – the experience of being truly recognized by a fully present human being, of deepening into our own natural presence… Continue reading