For Community

Help us build the Justice Conversation community by sharing the understanding that Justice is realized through Love. There are many ideas below of ways to participate, but also let us know about yourself and let’s share a community together. Use the contact form at the bottom of the page to reach out.


  • Send us related news articles, (click here for examples)
  • Recommend books, fiction or non-fiction, for children or adults (see children’s booklist, see adult booklist)
  • Write a book review for us. Tell why you recommend the book and how it relates to concepts of justice, love, restorative justice, collaborative law, or the right to remain human.
  • Come across a poignant sentence as you’re reading that seems related to concepts on this site? Send us a quote for our quotes page.


  • Send us your personal narrative of any experience you feel relates to this site. It might be an experience with the justice system, with being the victim of a crime, with trying to bring about a just outcome, with coming to see someone more clearly that had been ignored or condemned, of overcoming or trying to overcome not being seen or heard. The stories we’re looking for are honest about personal difficulties as well as an openness to justice as love. For example, a story could share a challenge that came up in a situation where restorative justice was being attempted. It could be about how a victim comes to forgive their attacker, or it could also be about how someone wants to forgive but cannot. The unifying theme is justice and love, but be honest about ways that can be difficult as well as how it can work.
  • Write a review – of a performance, an art show, a book, an artist.
  • Share a short story with us.
  • Share a poem with us.


  • Teachers, do you have a related lesson plan or project you can share?
  • Professors, Psychologists, Statisticians, is there research you’ve worked on or recommend that we can share or link to?
  • Judges, Lawyers, Police Officers, Social Workers, do you have reflections to share, ideas to raise, experiences to offer?
  • Artists, do you have work we can share that’s related to justice and love or healing or restoration or seeing ourselves or others, or in some other way seems connected to this site?

Spiritual Leaders

  • Do you have a meditation, reflection, or teaching, relating to the content on this site that you’d like to share?
  • Do you have a description of a helpful spiritual practice for nurturing justice in oneself, one’s family, or one’s community that you’d like to share?
  • Are you available to lead a Justice Conversation prayer or meditation group within your community?
  • Justice Conversation engages in a breadth of faith and wisdom traditions as Justice is a basic need for people of all cultures and faiths.

Social Media Experts

  • Could you help us to be on more platforms?
  • Share posts and articles
  • Facilitate conversations


  • If you’re in a non-profit related to the work of this site, tell us about yourself.
  • Make sure you’re on our resource list.
  • Give us a one-page write up, with an image or two, about what you do.
  • Consider writing an article or sharing a personal narrative with us about your work.
  • Keep us posted on your events, conferences, and calls to action.
  • Share our page with your members


  • Follow us on Facebook, like and comment on posts.
  • Share the site and content with others.
  • Sign up on our Weekly Updates (form at the bottom of all pages of this site.)
  • Check back frequently for new articles, reviews, research, and writings.
  • Take part in a Justice Conversation prayer or meditation group.
  • Tell us what we do that’s useful to you. Tell us what we can do better.
  • Share your ideas of how we can grow together.
  • Pray for us.

If you’d like to join with others in this essential effort, please use this contact form and we’ll be in touch soon!


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