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Repairing the Road to Redemption
Published by the Immigrant Legal Resource Center, September 2018, Prepared by Christine Karamagi, Selena Teji and Vishnu Sridharan.
Part of a national effort, called #TimeDone, to raise awareness of how many people are affected by the barriers associated with convictions and the extent to which they undermine, economic security, family stability, and public safety.
New Zealand’s Youth Justice Transformation: Lessons for the United States
Published by National Juvenile Justice Network, April 2018, Washington D.C. Prepared by Melissa Goemann.
New Zealand is a leader in the use of restorative justice practices in their youth justice system. The country dramatically downsized their youth justice system through groundbreaking legislation which incorporated rehabilitation as the system’s fundamental focus. Today over 75% of youth who come in contact with the police are handled through police warnings or diversion. We [NJJN] spent time analyzing their justice transformation process — including their successes and challenges — and have translated these findings into important lessons for the U.S.