Love is the Foundation of Justice

Whether in criminal justice, school discipline, or social action, Justice is not served except through Love. Read more...

For Living

Reflections on life experiences and justice, exploration and awareness through arts and writing, and spiritual practices to nurture justice.

For Teaching

Tools and research for classrooms and school administrators emphasizing restorative practice and positive discipline.

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Book reviews, reflections, research, and professional development for people working with or within the justice system.

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Matthew Part II: The nature of being human

Matthew Part II: The nature of being human

An unexamined life is not worth livingSocrates – 399 B.C. Nothing is so difficult as not deceiving oneself.Ludwig Wittgenstein – 1938 (This is a continuation of “Matthew Part I: What is Justice.”  Looking for Matthew, a book of poems by Bill Denham written about his response to Matthew’s death was...
Matthew Part III: We Are Not Innocent

Matthew Part III: We Are Not Innocent

“Your grandmother was not teaching me how to behave in class. She was teaching me how to ruthlessly interrogate the subject that elicited the most sympathy and rationalization—myself. Here was the lesson: I was not an innocent.”                                                  –Ta-Nehisi Coates, “Between the World and Me,” 2015 By the time...
Matthew Part VI: What is Justice Epilogue

Matthew Part VI: What is Justice Epilogue

On January 31, 2019, Anthony Ginez, the Mitigator for Community Resources Initiative, who is working on Luis Rojas’ case with defense attorney Alexandria McClure and Harriet, the CRI videographer, came to Portland to interview me. They had interviewed members of Luis’ family and they wanted to talk with me again....