What Is Justice Conversation?

TRANSCRIPT: Kim Welcome to Justice Conversation. This podcast series brings together people who discuss holistic justice from different perspectives. PhiliposHi, my name is Philipos Hailemichael, and I am a resident of the Bay Area in California. My mother tongue language is Tigrinya. Most of the perspective I share on this project will come from the Tigrinya culture and norms where I grew up, For our listeners information – Tigrinya (ትግርኛ) is of the Afroasiatic language family. It is commonly spoken in Eritrea and in northern Ethiopia’s Tigray Region. KimI’m Kim, and I’m from the United States. I started the Justice Conversation website to contribute to a shift in cultural understanding from punitive to relationship-centered justice. PhiliposWe welcome others to join and share in our conversation. KimFor our first topic, we would like to answer the question, What is Justice Conversation? Philipos, what does that mean for you? PhiliposFor me, I want… Continue reading