Please use the contact form below to share academic papers with us that are relevant to this site.
“Unspoken Immunity and Reimagined Justice: The Potential for Implementing Restorative Justice and Community Justice Models in Police-related Shootings” Hannah Walker, Pace Law Review, 2018
“#MeToo, Time’s Up, and Theories of Justice,” Lesley Wexler, University of Illinois College of Law; Jennifer K. Robbennolt, University of Illinois College of Law, & Colleen Murphy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. March 6, 2018.
“Truth and Reconciliation Commissions: Anthropological Perspectives,” Katharine Richards, University of Connecticut; Richard Ashby Wilson, University of Connecticut School of Law; University of Connecticut. February 24, 2017.
“Wild dreams and realistic visions: what restorative justice could look like in the next decade,”
“Educating Lawyers to Meditate?” Rhonda V. Magee, University of San Francisco, October 9, 2010.
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