Book Launch for Peter Gabel at the New York Open Center

Book Cover for The Desire for Mutual Recognition by Peter GabelDate: Thursday, October 18th 2018
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: New York Open Center; 22 East 3oth Street, NYC, Room 3A

Join lifelong social activist, philosopher, founder of an alternative University, editor-at-large of the award winning Tikkun Magazine, and Open Center friend Peter Gabel for a discussion about his new book The Desire for Mutual Recognition: Social Movements and the Dissolution of the False Self. The event will take place on Thursday October 18th at 6:30pm in room 3A at the New York Open Center, 22 East 30th Street, NYC, and will be followed by a book signing and reception.

Nominated as Best Non-Fiction Book of the Year by Routledge Press, Peter’s book speaks to the longing in each of us to see and be seen by the other in a way that confirms our authentic humanity. He shows that in our culture this longing is everywhere denied, creating an “outer” self and “outer world” that leaves a hole at the center of our social existence, which in turn leads to much of the human suffering that continues to plague our world. The book calls for a new spiritual dimension to social activism that fosters the creation of loving and affirming bonds at the same time that we seek to overcome inequalities of wealth and power that have been the traditional focus of progressive activism. Described by Cornel West as “one of the grand prophetic voices of our day and a lifelong runner in the struggle for social justice,” Peter is a compelling speaker and is looking forward to discussing his ideas with people from the Open Center community.

For more reviews of Peter’s book, go to

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