Love is the Foundation of Justice

Whether in criminal justice, school discipline, or social action, Justice is not served except through Love. Read more...

For Living

Reflections on life experiences and justice, exploration and awareness through arts and writing, and spiritual practices to nurture justice.

For Teaching

Tools and research for classrooms and school administrators emphasizing restorative practice and positive discipline.

For Working

Book reviews, reflections, research, and professional development for people working with or within the justice system.

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Drones, Betrayal, Truth & Complicity: A Conversation

Drones, Betrayal, Truth & Complicity: A Conversation

A rich and very personal conversation took place surrounding a concern that arose in the publishing of Matthew IV: Compassion – A Radical Critique. Of the two speakers in the beginning, Kim is the artist who began this Justice Conversation site and has been publishing the articles. Bill is the...
Rand Corp Analysis on Restorative Practices in Schools

Rand Corp Analysis on Restorative Practices in Schools

Rand Corporation has conducted a randomized controlled study, sponsored by the National Institute for Justice, on the effectiveness of restorative practices on suspension rates and classroom atmosphere. The study took place in the Pittsburgh Public School District during the 2015/16 and 2016/17 school years. The researchers sought to answer three...